Friday 13 April 2012

post production evaluation.

here I am now writing what will probably be the last post of my blog, I have finished my magazine, posted it here and written short segment about each one as I posted it, now to evaluate my work on the magazine, from first research to final production and my post production feedback of my magazine where others evaluated it.

Pre-production research:

To start my magazine I needed to research the audience I will be aiming the magazine too, my target audience, thus with the making of my target audience profile and to make this I researched who I want my magazine to go to and who is most likely to purchase it, as I is a rock, punk and indie magazine, I catered the magazine to suit my target audience, I then produced a Mission statement of what I will provide the target audience and researched them further, going in to what they will want from a magazine.

After this I needed information about possible members of my target audience, thus I created my questionnaire, this helped me greatly with the sort of things people liked to I could base my magazine around them, I also took the views of some people outside of my target audience to see if I could possibly adapt it to appeal to a larger audience or just maintain it so they will not dislike the magazine, just not purchase it regularly. From this information I analysed it and complied it in to one detailed view of my TA and how I need to structure my magazine to suit them best.

After this I needed to start to plan my magazine, so I sent time reviewing my TA profile, mission statement and the analysis of my questionnaire, thus making the plans for a magazine, best suited to them, thus the creation of a shorter piece of work which outlined the magazines features, like the name, and other features of the magazine.

while I was doing this I had to also analyse the front covers, content pages and double page spreads of pre-existing magazines, so I could get an idea of what needs to be in mine, for this I picked Mojo and Q, as their am both magazines that cover the genres of my magazine, and are very successful, thus they made perfect choices to analyse. The analysis of these magazines greatly helped in the making of my magazine.

Then the production of my mock ups was necessary, so using a compilation of my research, and analysis of other magazines, I created a mock up for the magazine I thought would best appeal to my Target audience.

from these mock ups I had a set plan of what to do for my final production, and after several attempts at each of my covers, content, and double page spread, I arrived at my final products, which in my opinion has been a success, as;

-they follow my plan and mock ups well,

-they are well made and appeal to my target audience,

-they are successful, as shown by the feedback discussion I set up after the production of my magazine, where I picked the majority of them out of my target audience, thus with them liking it showing it would be a success with my target audience as a full magazine,

-all three products have a similar theme/colour scheme,

-and finally, all three for fill my Mission statement,

so to me at least the magazines are a success, they are everything I set them out to be, they represent the genre's I set, the follow my mock ups, with different degrees of success, but in general they followed my mock ups well, they appeal to my target audience, they use all the parts of my research prior to the making of the magazine.

once I started to make the digital, final copy of the magazine it highlighted the faults in my magazines design in the mock ups, for example the amount of text on my double page spread, on my mock up my it appeared to be about the right amount, but when I went to my digital copy it seemed to be lacking, thus the production of a extra coulomb sorted this problem.

I also came across the problem of copyright, thus on my content page especially, I had to avoid the use of some images to avoid copyright issues, although I know nothing would happen if I did use these pictures, but I treated this project as if it were a real magazine, thus I avoided breaking any copyright laws, I even attempted emailing one of the bands that I was going to use in my magazine, but they declined, so I removed any reference to them in my magazine.

With my final production, I made it to appeal to the target audience as much as possible; always bearing them in mind, thus creating it tailored to their wants and needs.

The colour scheme used was to represent the genre of my magazine; the layout did so as well but also make it an easy to read and aesthetically pleasing piece of media. the content in the magazine, the bands featured especially, the band featured on my double page spread all fit the criteria of my TA and fit the missions statement, thus all bands within are rock, punk or indie, and they are all British.

Thus in conclusion, from my initial plans to construct a music magazine that would be successful and appeal to a target audience, I have succeeded, I have created a magazine that could be a successful business, popular amongst its Ta and will appeal to the desired audience, it follows my missions statement and mock ups, so all in all a success.

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