Thursday 12 April 2012

Double page spread mock up of Amped up

The mock up of my double page spread for my music magazine Amped up, for some reason the picture refuses to be landscape and wants to stay portrait, so please try not to strain your neck reading and looking at it.
my double page spread i have tried to keep as similar to the other pages of magazine, keeping it simple, not to much writing as my magazine is a more male orientated and as shown with examples like the online magazine "Monkey" simple is better, thus i have opted for less writing and more visual content.
the page includes the band that has featured on my cover and content page "pictures of the enemy" and it portrays them as a rock band with areas of punk as they don't like to to be seen in public, the page displays them as stated a Nirvana like band in some senses, which within the whole magazine is the only reference to a band that is not British in origin, so slightly breaking with part of the theme of the magazine.
The page is made to best appeal to the TA, it displays a band that may be relateable to people as they are commented to like pubs, are a rock band, and don't want to go mainstream like many other bands are these days, the double page spread with stick to the colour code applied to the rest of the magazine, using similar style and colourings, the band featured is essentially the target audience, British, patriotic, male of the right age and fit in to the right genre of music, like pubs, and have an active night life, an active social life, enjoy music and play instruments their self. The members of the band will be school friends as they are easy, willing and have not objected to me using their pictures and names for the magazine.
the band members on the page appear to be in frames in the final product I'm hoping to make these look like Polaroids thus establishing a link to the name of the band. the title i will probably do in some form of stencil to give the band a more military like feeling as when one mentions the enemy they tend to think of conflict and warfare, this also adds to their rock, punk appearance, another essence of punk with the page is the fact in the reading they seem very anti-establishment, not wanting to be part of a larger cooperation and some other aspects, again relating to the genre of the magazine.
The double page spread also as with my other pages contains the key conventions of a magazine double page spread, it has a headline, a sube heading, it has pictures of the band featured, information about them, qoutes from them, where other information can be found, the page number and the logo of the magazine that will appear on every page that isnt advertisement and the cover, the A next to the page number.

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