Thursday 29 March 2012

content page mock up for Amped up

the mock up for my contents page follows much the same procedure as my mock up of the cover, it follows the key conventions of a contents page and is made in a way so it is as easy for the reader to find what they want as possible, it also includes a box of subscribe now, with information, an offer and link to a website, thus again helping the more Internet savvy reader to find the magazine in new ways, and making sure the magazine would be able to stay a successful business.
near the top i plane to have a small picture of the front cover so establish the link to that issue and also the main article on the front page which my double page spread will be devoted too is also a key feature of this page.
the other articles mentioned on the page are keyed in with my mission statement, thus they are all British bands from different periods and also all fit in to being rock, punk or indie in styling.
The header of the page being amped up content over a sound signal is again a reminder of the music origin and slight technological side of the magazine.
the content of the page is laid out like on a regular content page, the more important and more appealing articles are placed on the right, for example the main article which appears on the front cover and my double page spread is in the top right corner below the heading and sub heading saying "eclusive snapshots/ cover story" where the readers eye will first be drawn too.

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