Tuesday 27 March 2012

Analysis of content page of MOJO

1)MOJO in the large black lettering the same as it is on the front cover in the center of the page, it show the that MOJO is a more sophisticated magazine to most others. It also displays the locations the magazine is distributed from.
2)A bar for the information of the magazine, the issue and the month of release as MOJO is a monthly distributed magazine and the year it is released.
3)The featured articles, the articles that may not appear in every magazine, something special for the reader. Featuring well known names such as R.E.M., Coldplay and some that most will never of heard of in the case for this magazine Fugazi a very recluse band that has released a interview for the magazine and it indicates like on q magazine that it is on page 52 via the numbering down the left hand side of the page
4)The main picture of the page it relates to the band on the front cover of the magazine, The Who, in black and white with a very serious look on his face to show the severity of the article it relates too.
4/5)the cover story, MOJO has a separate section to show the story and page its on for the cover story in this case it is the who it then has a far more in-depth  insight to the article, it stands out from the rest of the magazines content page as it is highlighted and right next to the main picture on the page, it also has a quote below it relating to another story that appears on the cover and the  page it is on.
The magazines content also has the page number in the bottom right hand corner and is only consists of red and black set on white accompanied by a black and white picture.

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