Tuesday 27 March 2012

Analysis of double page spread of Q

For my second double page spread analysis I have picked a slightly different style of page, a page about prize winners of Q’s own contest and it is something that I would include in my magazine.

1)The heading to this double page spread, winners gallery, in smaller font then most other headers in the magazine as there is a page before explaining that this double page spread is dedicated to the winners of the Q  contests for the categories of “Outstanding contribution to music”, “best act in the world” and Q’s coveted “Hall of fame”, like all the other pages it features the Q in the corner by the header. The whole of the double page spread is presented on TV screens stacked on top and next to each other to for a full picture with certain screens dedicated to the winning bands.
2)The first prize which is “outstanding contribution to music”, which Q has awarded to Siouxesie sioux, to show the winner on the double page spread it shows the winner on a TV screen, it then has a super imposed white arrow that curls coming from a red circle, with text on top of it, which contains the details of the artist that appears in the TV screen and what award the have been given and then a explanation as to why they have received the award, in the case for this artist it is for her contribution to music, it then tells us about the other nominees and why this artist won the award “by never looking back and always pushing forwards she’s become the last punk icon standing” the circle being red and the texting being white keeps in fashion with the rest of the magazines style,
3)The 3rd band to win an award and it goes to Queen, it is the coveted “Q hall of fame” award, on the TV screen picture is shows two of the bands living members due to the tragic death of Freddy Mercury, it then has like with the other two pictures of artists a arrow from a red circle to the picture, it then has the name Queen in the boldest text in the circle, then it has the award they are receiving in slightly smaller text and then why they are receiving the award in the smallest text but much more of it, this text is also linked to a quote from Al Murray, the man picked to present the awards, he stated “Queen have one the hall of fame, though for my money a Hall isn’t enough for Queen, they should get the hall, landing, stairs, lounge, kitchen, bathroom, master bedroom and loft of fame.” this showing his option of queen and them winning this award. Him being a comedian and a keen lover of music and queen, he was picked to appeal to the audience and is seen by the majority of people who read Q as someone they like and or can relate to as he's is famous for his role as the pub landlord and his stand up comedy,  and in the magazine he is dressed as he is in his role as the pub landlord. In the circle it explains about why Queen have won the hall of fame, saying there are not many band that appear in the awards of Q that have consciously or unconsciously taken after queens styles and that if not for queen, the Q awards or even Q its self may not be here today, this has come around due to Q celebrating their 25th year published.
4)Coldplay, best act in the world for 2011, Coldplay in bolder writing then the rest of the text and another arrow pointing to a picture of the band all looking very casual,  the text telling the reader why they have got this award is much more quote orientated, the main quote from Noel Gallagher, formally in the band oasis with his brother before disagreements lead to the break up of oasis. Where he said about how well Coldplay performed at Glastonbury, in not so polite terms... It then goes on to talk about the key thing that clinched the deal for them is their now album rated 5 star, it then also tells us the other nominees, muse, u2, Kasabain, Arctic monkeys and arcade fire.
5)Al Murray, the prize giver of the Q awards, shown on here, appearing to be trapped within the televisions, the televisions giving the whole double page spread a very retro theme that ties in with the rest of the magazine very well, Al Murray is a very keen music fan and a monthly reader of Q, which I know from prior knowledge, his presence picked for the comic value he brings to the magazines page spread. Here appearing in his outfit he uses in the pub landlord and his stand up comedy and like Q’s brand identity this is his and something that has become iconic over the years, his presence in the magazine and as the pub landlord seeming strange for a man educated at Cambridge in history, with one of the greatest memories short and long of any living person today, but I digress. His presence is picked to attract the wider audience and he is icon and attracts attention to the 6 pages he appears on.
6)The standard conventions of any double page spread, the page number which Q chose to use 3 digit boxes as there are normally over 100 pages in the magazine and they use individual boxes for each number, the Q of Q magazine, the date and a website of Q magazine. In this issue on this page it also shows a website for all the prizes, winners and nominees for the Q awards.
7)The cat, totally random but links to Al Murray and for fun I thought I would include it, it does have some relevance thou, it goes with the retro look of the rest of the page and is like I previously stated connected to Al Murray, in the pages prior to this he is seen holding and petting it thus it does give the magazine and extra comic value as it is a stuffed cat.

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