Tuesday 27 March 2012

My music magazine target audience profile

Target audience profile music magazine
Age: 16-24
· The age I have chosen for my target audience is because
· It is also the age most associated to the genre of music my magazine is based around, found by the questionnaire I carried out.
· Predominantly male but made to also appeal to some female audience of those whom enjoy the genre of music most symbolized by my magazine.
Professional status:
· Students, people out of work, those who have the time to enjoy the music that my magazine portrays, but also people in work and looking for work who manage balancing their time between work and music. The type of study or work the audience does, doesn’t affect weather they read the magazine or not although the magazine will deem itself more useful to those in a music orientated study or work place.
Relationship status:
· Aimed at a target audience where their relationship doesn’t really take effect, but possible made more appealing to those in a relationship where both half’s enjoy the genre of music.
· Adventurous; people who like risks and new things, like to find new bands and broaden their variety in music.
· Rebellious; people who don’t necessarily follow the conventions of society, like different things to most, don’t like being held back or told what to do.
· Musical; those who are musically able, enjoy a musical life style or just listening to the genre of music.
· Strong headed; those who are set in their ways don’t want to change or know what they want to become and determined to get there.
· Proud; those who are proud of being British and British music.

Hobbies and interests:
· Enjoyment of music; weather it is playing, listening to live or recorded music people who love music in all its forms.
· Gigs/events/concerts; those who like going to music oriented events to see new upcoming bands or their favourite bands.
· Pub life; enjoy going to pubs and such places to see pub bands or meet with friends for a drink (this side is for the older side of my audience 18-24)
· Night life; those who like late nights spending time with friends going places and making the most of their day and nights.
· Adventure; people who like new things and doing new things and listening to new things, those who aren’t scared by much and want to try everything.
Free time:
· Those with an active life and possibly use my magazine to assist this with ideas of activities to do, upcoming events and new bands that they might like.
· Spent listening to music.
· Enjoying a social life with like minded people.
Musical preference:
· My magazine will be for those who enjoy;
o British Punk
o British Rock
o British indie
· People who enjoy most music that embodies Briton.
· For those who don’t like the rap and hip hop or light and fluffy music but like the gritty roar of rock, punk and indie.
Other media that appeals to my target audience:
· For the newer generations those who use the internet instead of reading a newspaper.
· those who enjoy downloading their favourite music on to their ipod’s
· enjoy comedy, horror and action films/ television shows mainly
· for those who also like modern gadgets and possibly gaming

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