Tuesday 27 March 2012

analysis of questionaire

(on this questionnaire the person asked put that they read magazines once a week, but it has failed to show in the scan for a unknown reason)
From the questionnaire I distributed to members I feel would be part of my target audience and some who wouldn’t be but who’s contribution would still be valid I have found the following, the majority of people who would read my magazine are between the age of 16-24, have as or a level qualifications, read magazines fairly often; once or twice a month.
The questionnaire indicated that my magazine would entertain a more male audience, people who enjoy music and are British. The type of people who would read my magazine would be people who live in the UK, more people whose family is mostly to entirely English and are proud of being British, people who enjoy playing or listening to music and enjoy the genres of rock, punk and indie, who attend music events on a regular basis. The price most people would expect to pay for a good quality music magazine ranges between; £2.99 to £4.99.
In my questionnaire I asked people what the most associated with British music and got only too real answers that repeated and stood out, The Beatles and Pub bands, The Beatles being an iconic British band and one of if not the biggest band the world has ever seen, pub bands showing that the people who would read my magazine like listening to small bands while enjoying a drink with friends.
From my questionnaire I have found that for my magazine I would want to; keep it to a certain extent of patriotism (also making it an very British magazine may attract tourists to purchase the magazine), keep the price I set at £4.99 but include cover mounts, I will want to keep it up to date on the best bands out at the moment such as Kasabain ect but also broaden the readers band preference by including smaller upcoming bands and music events both large and small but more suited to the genre of music my audience will like. I will want to keep the styling of my magazine simple yet appealing to my audience, maintain brand identity (which i will by keeping the masthead in the same position and font ever magazine and the same colour, and the use of my slogan and almost logo.) keep similar colouring of the magazine every magazine which will be dark blue and reds, white and black and probably any puffs will appear in a goldish colour.

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