Tuesday 27 March 2012

location research and featured bands for my magazine

Location research
The location for where I will take does not matter as long as there is clear view of the sky as that is going to be the background of my magazine or I will cut out our photo on to a white blank background. But other locations for rock, punk and indie could be, pubs, back streets, derelicts houses, open fields (weedy or not), woods, there are a great many places that could serve as the location for rock punk and indie as they are so versatile.
As this blog entry will be short i will also include ideas for bands that i would use in my magazine.
Featured bands or ideas
Ideas for bands that i could feature in my magazine:
Arctic monkey
Dark fiction (a tiny unknown band)
The Prodigy
The clash
Sex pistols
All these bands fall in to the genres i am using and are all British which for my magazine is important thus they are the bands i will or may feature, with such things as interviews, reviews of their albums and other such things.

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