Tuesday 27 March 2012

Front cover analysis for mojo

1)MOJO: always appears in the same font every issue always in white with the drop shadow maintaining brand identity, it stretches across the whole cover and can appear behind or in front of the main picture on the cover dependent on the issues picture. Shown in capitals and also only the M is sharp, the rest of the lettering is smooth and gentle, especially the J which although is not visible in this issue drops slightly below the rest of MOJO, it gives the magazine and the reader the impression that it is quiet a laid back magazine for the more classical rock lovers.
2)Every MOJO magazine comes with a cover mount, which consists of a free CD and some other little bits, as shown on this magazine where the reader is enticed to purchase so to get a free CD from the brilliant (in my opinion) band Pink Floyd, which covers 2 of there best albums, the puff showing the offer is in the top left to attract as much attention to the fact the magazine comes with a free cd the cd itself is also on the left hand side at the bottom, the cover mount which is the cd is also always relevant to the main band or artist that appears on the magazine cover.
3)Pink Floyd, the main feature of the magazine, although they cover the masthead the band itself attracts the same audience and the magazine has a well know brand identity thus the masthead isn't totally needed. The picture of the band is in black and white and none of them have a smile, they all look very serious and the black and white backs this up, then it has at quote “we were a touch, cruel bunch...” the ... Implies there is more to the story thus making the reader want to read more thus needing to buy the magazine, it again looks very serious, in capitals and grey. The name of the band, pink Floyd is the largest words on the page as it is such a large band, then under it is tells us more about what the article inside will be about, “the insanity that tore them apart” which is there because unfortunately their lead guitarist and vocalist when insane. This is commemorated by the songs, brain damage and eclipse, which talk about insanity and such things, especially in brain damage the quote “and if the band your in starts playin’ different tunes, ill see you on the dark side of the moon...” due to the fact, mid song he could go on a tangent and play other songs they perform, But I digress, pink Floyd is know for its unfortunate break up thus the keen music lover will want to purchase this just for that article and cd.
4)An interview with Metallica, a sell line, appearing at the top of the page to show it is there to be noticed, again in grey and white to follow the rest of the magazines style, under the name Metallica, it has “meet Lou reed, the lead singer and guitarist of Metallica, thus people are going to want to read to here his opinion on things and what he had been asked, and his response. A picture of the band also accompanies the sell line.
5)“30 pages of reviews” a sell line, placed over the mast head so as not to cover the main image, it show the potential buyer and reader what they can expect to find inside. This attracts buyers as people want to know who is good, and who isn't, this will really appeal to those who go to music events regularly, it tells the reader some of the reviews they will find within such as Kasabain.
6)“exclusive! new interviews!” again all in capitals and the use of exclamation marks to emphasize the important of this sell line as something the reader has to have! Featuring big names that the reader will recognize such as the Beatles and Amy Winehouse.
7)The barcode, price, issue, date, standard convention of any magazine, placed in the bottom right corner so its out of the way, unnoticed, so people don't notice the price until they pay and it is somewhat of an eye sore so is small and out of the way so as not to attract attention to its self.

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