Thursday 29 March 2012

Front cover mock up of Amped up

Now i have finished my research i have combined all the things i found in to a mock up, my first step in to making my front cover and giving me a rough template of what i want and more importantly tailored to what my audience will want.
Within the mock up i have included the key conventions of a magazine; masthead, main article, issue information ect. I choose most of the aspects of the mock up to fit my TA, for example, the "FIND us online" showing the gadget/ technological side of my audience and the audience of the modern age where most have the Internet, obviously the information about the concert as it is a music magazine aimed at the more serious musician and one who attends concerts regularly.
On my mock up i have created the style of the magazine i will create, it has different features so as to appeal to the TA in the right way, the mast head of the magazine in large bold stencilled lettering to show that the magazine is for the more, rock and punk genre, bold, simple but loud, not elegant or fancy like maybe some pop mags would be, and not illegible graffiti of some R'n'B or rap magazines. The name of the magazine itself "amped up" to show  it is about music being loud, commonly associated with rock and more heavier music.
almost Incorporated in to the title as it is weaved between some of the mastheads letters is something that will appear on every issue, almost like the magazines "logo" it is a key feature for maintaining the brand identity of the magazine and provides and easy way to identify the magazine, "sod calm and lets rock" would be the ... of the magazine, showing again it is a rock magazine.
for my magazine i have picked to have a cover mount of a CD, this would be a extra piece of front cover like a flap, with the CD stuck on to, thus the magazines actual front cover is not taken up but there is information about the CD, unfortunately i cant show this that well in my mock up so i had to draw it as if it where part of the front cover. The front cover will have the puff of the "free CD".
the main article of the front page will be the band that will also feature in my double page spread, they will be made to look rather, rock and punkish.
on the right hand side, there is a Coloumb about a concert, this is there specifically as my magazine is aimed at the avid concert attender, the band featured in the concert are all bands that fit in with the genre of the magazine, they are also all English bands due to the other aspects of my magazine.
the banner at the bottom of the cover will be specifically targeted to my audience, offering prizes they will enjoy thus trying to encourage as many to participate as possible.

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