Tuesday 27 March 2012

Analysis of content page of Q

1)The first of two content pages that appear in Q magazine the Q logo and the word contents in the middle of the page to display the fact that it is the content page, with the slogan of Q underneath.
2)The issue number appearing lager then it was on the cover in a red puff like circle it also cuts in to the top of the pictures.
3)The features of the magazine, there to tell us the content of the magazine, at the top of features a large star containing the Q award winners 2011, and below it explains more about this particular article  is about and the page within the magazine where it is located.
4)The second article in the features list is of u2 who appear on the cover of this issue of Q it has a picture linked to this page showing it is one of the larger articles and one they want to promote more.
5/6) an index of the magazine of what page content appears on and pictures to accompany some of the articles, such as with Biffy Clyro  and Tinnie Tempah. The featured bands and articles have the page number then in bold the name of the band or article then it has a short description of that article so the reader gets an idea of what page they will wasn't to read and the ones they wont, it makes it easier to see the rough content of the magazine and helps the reader find the articles they want.
7)At the bottom of the content page it has the page number and websites the magazine promotes.
Q  uses  red and black on a white background but uses colour pictures instead of black and white like magazines like MOJO predominantly uses.

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