Tuesday 27 March 2012

Analysis of double page spread of MOJO

1)The main picture of the page, a picture displaying the band that the article is about in the case of this article R.E.M, the picture is in black and white to show its a more serious situation, the members of the band positioned in a way to show their importance within the band, the main members towards the front and although only slightly smaller with in the other band members more to the back, the band holding candles possible to symbolise a sad event.
2)The name of the article “Feeling gravity’s pull” in full capital to add more of a eye catching effect, it is large lettering to grab the attention of the reader and makes the article easy to find also creates a slight effect of making the reader want to read on to find out more to do with this article. The lettering is in a blue on a black back ground but the blue is a cold, sad colour to show the article is a sadder one then most, it also matches the photography one the article, as it is rather bleak, and dull to create the severity that the magazine wishes to create.
3)A brief introduction to the article below it and also give the reader a more in-depth view on R.E.M the band that the article is orientated around, it tells the reader briefly about the history of R.E.M and also tells them the names of the band members and what the article below elaborates on, the break up of R.E.M to leave a golden legacy behind them, with in the text it has R.E.M in white unlike the rest of the text which is in light blue, it is also quite a bit larger then the rest of the text, this is also done on the name Keith Cameron because a quote from him is included in the text “it is without a doubt bittersweet” using an oxymoron to tell the reader that it is good that they split now to leave the great legacy they are but it is a sad event that they have broken up. They also use larger white text for the name Kevin Westenberg, who is the photographer for the photo that appears alongside the article.
4)The actual article itself and it explains what the article is, it has a very large T to show where the article starts and is 4 paragraphs long, long enough to put all of the content needed in but not so long that it bores or puts of readers. The first line is in capitals and reads “The end, when it came, was as you might have expect from” so it gets across the message of what the articles about the breaking up of R.E.M and how it was in the end of their very eventful band life,  the text in a ever so slightly grey white on the black background also like the rest of the pages content show a very serious and sad atmosphere , every mention of the bands name is in larger text as well. The article is in 4 short paragraphs  which are all linked but slightly different topics with in each, the first paragraph being an introduction to the article and a brief bit about the break up of R.E.M, the second paragraph being about the break up its self and partially about the legacy they left behind, the third is about the history of R.E.M and shows the incredible legacy they have left behind and  the things they have done within their history, the final paragraph is simply a sum up of the article and how their break up effects people and how people effected them. The whole article include many quotes from the bands and people involved with the band.
5)This small text is there to tell us what the picture is “Until the day is done” and the band members in order of how they appear in the picture, it also tells us the time the picture was taken 1991.
6)The page number which is referred to in the content pages.

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